Here’s What Happened at Copic College

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We recently had the pleasure to take a attend Copic College, under the capable and masterful eye of Michelle Houghton of Copic in the Craftroom. Michelle, who we just can’t say enough good things about, travels around the country offering 3-day workshops for leveling up your copic skills and she really knows her stuff. She is an artist and an absolutely delightful person, but she has something else that really tips the scales for us: she is a real-and-for-trues master at teaching. She sees wonderful things in her students and she raises us all up by her sheer will.

We spent the weekend talking about light sources and shading and textures and colors and, of course, coloring and practicing and coloring and practicing and coloring and practicing.

Copic College - Sheep 2
coloring the texture of wool

Copic College - Rachel hair
exploring how light beams work with color

Copic College - TableWe brought our own Copic markers, but Michelle had rentals available, for those without, and she even offers to refill and re-nib markers (for a very reasonable fee) for those of us who needed it. We also each received a zippered pouch with loads of images, some little extras (like fabric swatches and a mister) for creating cool effects, a full color manual with detailed instructions for all the images in our pouch, a die and some coupons for terrific deals on crafty stuff.



coloring foliage

Copic College - Mason Jar
creating effects like glass with Copics

In between times, we all got to know each other…..

Copic College - Friends
Rach met up with an longtime buddy, Angie.

Copic College - Friends
Michelle (center) with the gang from our table: Rachel, Sarah, Michelle, Amber and Debra

And there was the best kind of raffle: the kind where everyone wins! Rachel won a stamp shammy and Sarah took home this Zentangle kit, donated by Amber Rain Davis, CZT, of Notable Ink.

Copic College - Notable Ink Logo

Seriously, peeps, if you have a chance to attend Copic College, we recommend that you do it. Michelle layers and staggers the lessons to accommodate all different abilities and learning styles (like we said earlier–this is a seasoned teacher). So if you’re a beginner, do it. If you are intermediate or advanced, do it. It’s well worth your time and money. You can find more information about Copic College here.

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So, get to coloring!


Copic College - LogoClick on any image to see it larger
Copic College - Table Copic College - Sheep 1 Copic College - Sheep 2
Copic College - Friends Copic College - Table Copic College - Friends
Copic College - Tree 1 Copic College - Friends
Copic College - Oliver Copic College - Rachel hair Copic College - Mason Jar
Copic College - Notable Ink Kit Copic College - Notable Ink Logo






1 thought on “Here’s What Happened at Copic College

  1. I just attended Michelle’s Copic College that she held in Washington, Illinois……and I couldn’t agree more with everything you said! Michelle is such an outstanding instructor and her manual rocks. Only thing I dont think you mentioned is that she is going to change out her images every year….so that means I can keep coming back! Fantastic class!

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