July Wallpaper: Stay Grounded

July Wallpaper: Stay Grounded Featured

We have finished our freebie wallpaper for the month and we’d really like to share the story behind it, because maybe our story might ring true for some of you as well.

One of the problems we face in summer is overplanning. In spring, all things seem possible and we invariably make plans for the summer that include, pulling together, purging and deep cleaning our homes (in their entirety), getting in the best shape of our lives and getting our gardens magazine ready. Then, of course, for Finders Keepers, we are going to clean our studio, get ahead on all our posts and projects, and design our new releases. So, yeah. You get the picture. Have you ever entered summer with this mindset?

But we’re trying to make some changes this year, starting with planning our time and setting our goals on more of a short term, week-by-week basis.

And this has been our favorite summer so far! This week, for example, Sarah has planned to spend 30 minutes tidying her side yard, clean out her jewelry drawer and finish up her homeschooling record keeping. She has found, by doing this, that she no longer has this anxiety deep in her belly, from worrying that she is not achieving enough. And Rachel has decided to be more mindful of spending quality time with her girls this summer, even if that is just staying at home, doing things together as a family.

We sincerely wish you all the best this month and hope that you are finding your best ways to stay grounded.











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